My name is Ryan Cooley. I was on active duty and served as an Infantrymen and was stationed at Ft. Drum, Ft. Carson, and Ft. Irwin. I received a purple hurt and am now on VA disability for my injuries. I am an active outdoorsman and love chasing waterfowl! If it flies, it dies and if the feet are hangin, we bangin. I look forward to putting my fellow vets on successful hunts. Until Valhalla, I’ll see you in the goose field!

I am Jerad Davis, born and raised in Colorado. I spent seven and a half years in the US Army working on helicopters and UAVs with one deployment to Afghanistan in 2006-2007. Most of my time in the army was spent at Fort Drum with 277 ASB/C-10 Aviation with the last 2 years being at Fort Carson before being medically separated. I have been hunting in Colorado since 1996 for big game and have hunted waterfowl for about 4 years all over the southeast area of Colorado. My years are spent preparing to hunt, hunting, or fishing with my family and friends.

I am a lifelong hunter who was born and raised on the western slope of Colorado, I have yet to find a better place to support my love of the outdoors than here. Except for a four year stint I did in North East New Mexico at the southern tip of the Rockies; I still call Colorado home.
I cannot remember a time when I was not an outdoor enthusiast as my family made hunting and camping a way of life from the Owl Creek to the Uncompahgre plateau, these were my playgrounds.
I participated in 3-D archery shoots at the age of 3 as that is when I could walk the courses with my dad, before that I was put in a wagon and pulled along the entire course by my parents. I was taught to be considerate of other shooters and the rules of 3-D competitions.
I have hunted and harvested deer, elk, fowl, and predators with my father and grandfather who taught me ethics, marksmanship and techniques to be a successful hunter. I harvested my first rifle cow elk at the age of 15 with my mom as my hunting partner, and my first archery bull with my dad at the age of 18, a hunt my dad and I will always treasure. My hunting adventures continue to be a family affair as I was privileged to be with my bride Amanda on her first rifle harvest of her elk and deer.
My parents have always supported my outdoor adventures and did everything to encourage it. For my 8th birthday my gift was my first youth shotgun. My 10th birthday gift was a hunting dog who lived to be 14 and a boys best friend. I am on my third pup now as I had to retire my Belle at age 11 since the cold weather became too much for her. I am on to Daisy now who is the most challenging so far.
I became a volunteer for the Wounded Warriors Elk Hunts in Angel Fire New Mexico along with my dad and now I am proud to be a participant in the Wounded Veterans’ Waterfowl club. These organizations are very near and dear to my heart as my Grandfather was a veteran who taught me the principals he gained as a Marine. To me the success of my hunt is not as important as the people I get to experience my adventure with.

I am Devin Helgeland. I was born and raised on the western slope. I have enjoyed the outdoors since I was a kid. From fishing to big game hunting to waterfowl. Waterfowl has been the most recent adventure which has led me to meeting a lot of great people. Started hunting waterfowl in 2015 with a friend been hooked ever since. In my travels I started hunting with a couple vets which led to meeting more good people and then to this club. Figured I might as well help to give back to those that are and have served.